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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 871
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
northwest shore of Protection Island, east of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Map sheet
92 G/04
Date submitted
July 11, 0096
Date uploaded
February 14, 2020
Measured Age
2440 ± 70
Normalized Age
280 ± 50
δ13C (per mil)
Strait of Georgia; détroit de Georgia
scattered throughout Level 4, 0-100 cm north-south, 70-100 cm east-west, 40-43 cm depth
DhRx-5, Protection Island: This is a small shallow shelf midden overlying portions of an otherwise undisturbed petroglyph pecked into a sandstone slab at the seaward edge of the midden. The midden is about 4 m above high tide overlooking a shallow tidal channel between Protection Island and Newcastle Island. Artifacts suggest developed Coast Salish culture common to the region. Oral communication with residents and soil analyses support no recent site disturbance. The recovered artifacts indicate historic and prehistoric cultural components. S-1270 and S-1271 provide minimum dates for the rock carving.
