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Lab number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux
western area of Crowsnest Pass, British Columbia
Map sheet
82 G/10
B. Ronaghan
Date submitted
March 14, 0097
Normalized Age
4425 ± 140
Archaic; Archaïque
Stratigraphic component
Component 1
component 1, 1979 excavation
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Castor canadensis 3, Canidae 20, Cervus elaphus 3, Odocoileus sp 4, Bison bison 662
Additional information
Despite the suffix "A" in the lab number, this date is said to be based on bone collagen, assumed to be corrected for isotopic fractionation.
DjPq-2: Component 1 is considered to represent at least two occupations, judging from projectile point styles and radiocarbon dates. Late Mummy Cave styles include Bitteroot, Salmon River, and Oxbow; also present are Pelican Lake and Hanna types. Component 2 occurred within the Ah horizon at Area A and yielded Late Plains side-notched, Avonlea triangular, and Columbia Valley corner-notched points.
