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Lab number
Material dated
horse bone collagen; collagène osseux de cheval
Taxa dated
Equus sp. tibia (11A75-3742, id. by B.F. Beebe)
left bank of Old Crow River, 259 m asl, 61.9 km above the river mouth, Porcupine drainage, northern Yukon Territory
Map sheet
116 O/13
W.N. Irving
Date submitted
June 17, 0097
Measured Age
32800 ± 800
Normalized Age
32880 ± 800
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
river bank, point bar
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Equus sp
Additional information
The apatite fraction of this bone yielded a date of 36,700 +/- 800 BP.
MkVl-12, Old Crow River Locality CRH-11A: This is one of the most productive collecting localities in Old Crow Basin, but all of the fossils have been redeposited from elsewhere.
