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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
Taxa dated
(4.8 g)
eastern side of confluence of Rat Indian Creek and Porcupine River, 297 m asl, northern Yukon Territory
Map sheet
116 O/09
J. Cinq-Mars, R. Le Blanc
Date submitted
April 27, 0097
Measured Age
770 ± 110
Normalized Age
770 ± 110
δ13C (per mil)
Stratigraphic component
Level 3
composite sample from same hearth as WSU-2147, Level 3
MjVg-1, Rat Indian: This multi-component site contains one historic level and six prehistoric levels, numbered 2, 3, 5, 6, 6A, and 6B. Only Levels 5 and 6/6A produced samples large enough for detailed analysis. Two archaeological phases are proposed: the Old Chief phase, ca. 900 BC - AD 700; and the Klo-kut phase, ca. AD 700 - 1850. Rat Indian Level 6/6A is assigned to the Old Chief phase and Level 5 to the Klo-kut phase. Most of the 18 radiocarbon dates on this site are internally consistent and complement the stratigraphic sequence. However, S-1830, from Level 2, is out of sequence and might have been contaminated through the use of ancient driftwood or by the disturbance of its hearth context by a 1968 test pit. Three dates on Level 3 appear earlier than four dates on the upper part of Level 5, but all of them are shown to be essentially contemporaneous, reflecting the close stratigraphic relationship and small temporal separation between these levels.
