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Lab number
Material dated
Type of date
San Juan
Date uploaded
January 17, 2024
Wyoming team
Date updated
December 31, 2020
Measured Age
1900 ± 60
From the easternmost post hole in Feature 15 structure. Structure situated, on the edge of an excarpment, Floor was ca. 6.3 m in dia, slightly concave, shallow, excavated into the prehistoric surface at least 50 cm. Floor was compacted and crazed, probably because of the intense fire that burned the structure. Overburden was eolian sand, 5-10 cm deep with some artifacts, including 1 gray ware sherd. Fill contained burned daub with stick impressions, stained soil, and a variety of artifacts. In central part of floor was a stone-lined hearth, 70 cm in dia., 25 cm deep; bottom filled with FCR and charcoal. Second hearth may be present on W edge where a circular area, ca 55 cm in dia, 11 cm deep, was found. It was carbon stained. SE part of structure not excavated. Post holes, 8-16 cm in dia. and 20 to 30 cm deep, found in the other 3 quadrants. Small rodcks used to support the posts. Posts were 4.6 m e-w from each other and 2.6 m N-S. Posit a wattle and daub superstructure. Boulder metate near the NW wall, embedded in floor, 4 manos on the floor, plus 2 mano frags. (a 3rd one from the fill). on the floor or floor fill: 5 hammerstones, several FSTs, cores, 24 pieces of debitage
