Smith 2005, The Archaeology Along The Lost Creek Pipeline…

Samples that cite this reference

Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
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Beta-185732 48SW13156 (Battle Spring Draw) WY 8150 ± 40
Beta-185733 48SW13156 (Battle Spring Draw) WY 8670 ± 50
Beta-185734 48SW13156 (Battle Spring Draw) WY 8530 ± 50 -13.2
Beta-185735 48SW13156 (Battle Spring Draw) WY 8680 ± 40 -24.1
Beta-186688 48FR4425 (Diego Garcia) WY 1580 ± 60 -25.0
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Beta-186690 48FR4425 (Diego Garcia) WY 4070 ± 40 -23.2
Beta-186691 48FR4426 (Fish Draw) WY 4440 ± 40 -11.4
Beta-186692 48FR4426 (Fish Draw) WY 1720 ± 40 -24.6
Beta-186693 48FR4442 (Graham Ranch) WY 4410 ± 130 -25.0
Beta-186694 48FR4442 (Graham Ranch) WY 4330 ± 40 -24.5
Beta-186695 48FR4442 (Graham Ranch) WY 4170 ± 60 -25.0
Beta-186701 48SW13152 (Arapahoe Creek) WY 5530 ± 170 -25.0
Beta-186702 48SW13152 (Arapahoe Creek) WY 5560 ± 40 -23.0
Beta-186703 48SW13152 (Arapahoe Creek) WY 5570 ± 40 -24.1
Beta-186704 48SW13155 (Fivemile Ditch) WY 2950 ± 70 -25.0
Beta-186705 48SW13155 (Fivemile Ditch) WY 2580 ± 70 -25.0
Beta-186706 48SW13155 (Fivemile Ditch) WY 1170 ± 60 -25.0
Beta-186707 48SW13155 (Fivemile Ditch) WY 1280 ± 60 -25.0
Beta-186708 48SW13155 (Fivemile Ditch) WY 4160 ± 40 -24.0
Beta-186709 48SW13155 (Fivemile Ditch) WY 3130 ± 50 -24.4
Beta-186710 48SW13155 (Fivemile Ditch) WY 2980 ± 40 -25.7
Beta-187012 48SW13152 (Arapahoe Creek) WY 3170 ± 60 -25.0