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Lab number
Material dated
wood; bois
near St-Elzéar-de-Bonaventure, Gaspésie, Québec
Map sheet
22 A/03
P. LaSalle
Date submitted
October 5, 2005
Measured Age
940 ± 120
Normalized Age
940 ± 120
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
level 78-1
St-Elzéar Cave: This site contains an important sequence of four faunal assemblages presented in terms of four zones numbered from youngest to oldest. However, the six radiocarbon dates are reported in terms of excavation levels, among which there appear to be some stratigraphic reversals. Therefore it is not yet clear how the faunas are related to the dates. Except for the American toad, the birds and amphibians are listed as totals not assigned to zones (LaSalle, 1984: Table 1), and all of these are placed in Zone 1 in this database. A second list of amphibians, published by Fay (1984), differs slightly from the data in LaSalle (1984).
