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Lab number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
on the 7 m terrace of the Cap Tourmente lowlands, north bank of the St. Lawrence River, Québec region, Québec
Map sheet
21 M/02
C. Chapdelaine
Date submitted
March 20, 2002
Normalized Age
830 ± 70
Late Woodland; Sylvicole supérieur
pit, longhouse 1
CgEq-19, Royarnois: Ceramics from this site reveal the presence of Early Late Woodland and St. Lawrence Iroquoian components. Comment: ...most of these dates might date the Early Late Woodland component but it should be remembered first that the dates indicate the prehistoric nature of these particular features, second that the two hearths are comtemporaneous, and third that by having several radiocarbon dates for a Late Woodland site it is usual to face erratic results caused by undetermined factors, including the presence of old dead wood.
