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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
Taxa dated
conifer driftwood (99 mg, id. by A.S. Dyke)
about 2.3 km east-northeast of Cape Back, Wollaston Peninsula, Victoria Island, Northwest Territories
Map sheet
87 F/01
A.S. Dyke and J.M. Savelle
Date submitted
February 26, 2002
Normalized Age
3250 ± 80
Palaeoeskimo; Paléoesquimau
box hearth structure, 8 cm depth, 10.5 m asl
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Phoca hispida
Additional information
The sample was broken into mm size pieces and examined microscopically, eliminating rootlets and mouldy pieces.
OaPo-? (98-DCA-048): Charcoal was collected from a Palaeoeskimo box hearth feature (1.10 x 1.10 m) on a raised beach at 10.5 m. The hearth had been partly infilled by eolian sand. The charcoal came from the northwest corner of the feature at 8 cm depth below sand and a thin organic soil horizon. There is at least one other box hearth and two dwelling features in association as well as another hearth or dwelling at the same level. Chert flakes (5+) and seal bones (tibia/fibula, 1 phalange and >20 fragments) occur near the sampled hearth. The interpretation of this feature as Palaeoeskimo is based entirely on elevation, dwelling architecture, and presence of chert flakes.
