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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 299
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
at the tip of an esker on the north side of Shethanei Narrows, in the Seal River valley, Manitoba
Map sheet
64 I/13
R.J. Nash
Date submitted
March 28, 0097
Measured Age
770 ± 80
Normalized Age
770 ± 80
δ13C (per mil)
Late Taltheilei; Taltheilei récent
level 2, pit 137e2n, top of grey sand layer near center of site
IeLk-4, Shethanei Narrows: A thin occupation layer contains medium-size stemmed, notched and triangular points. A few historic items are mixed with upper prehistoric artifacts, suggesting a late prehistoric occupation. GaK-2341 will date an associated stemmed point. Comment by Nash: GaK-2341, and I-4149 from another part of the site, indicate that the materials are probably all late whether or not more than one component is involved. Materials are not easily equated with other late complexes in transitional forest which might also relate to Chipewyan. Nash (1975: 22) concludes that the two dates indicate the site's time depth is at least 700 years. GaK-2341 may approximate the beginning of occupation "and could also date the stemmed point from the same pit, even though the point was in the bottom of the sod layer. The 550 year difference between 2 samples which are so close stratigraphically is puzzling, but seems to add support to the suggestion that 2 prehistoric components are involved." Nash also indicates that the identified faunal remains are more closely associated with the later date than with the earlier one.
