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Lab number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp.
9.6 km west of Elm Creek, 4 km north of provincial trunk highway 2, Assiniboine drainage, Manitoba
Map sheet
62 G/09
E. Nielsen
Date submitted
April 21, 0098
Measured Age
3150 ± 550
Normalized Age
3230 ± 550
δ13C (per mil)
Archaic, Oxbow; Archaïque
Test area A
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison sp
Additional information
Nero gives a calibrated ("corrected") age, 3360 +/- 550 BP, for this sample. This date is suspect, because the bone was heavily mineralized.
DkLm-1, Hacault: This is an Oxbow site. Nero suggests that BGS-1717 may be unreliable because of permineralization of the bone. The BGS-1753 sample was not permineralized. Both dates are given by Nero as calibrations of the measured ages (E. Nielsen, p.c. 1998).
