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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
north bank of Wabinosh River, below rapids, 1 km upstream from river mouth, Thunder Bay District, Ontario
Map sheet
52 I/02
K.C.A. Dawson
Date submitted
January 21, 0098
Measured Age
710 ± 175
Normalized Age
710 ± 175
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Laurel; Sylvicole
Stratigraphic component
Upper terrace
hearth in upper terrace, XU 175N 90E, Level 2, 5.1-10.2 cm depth, associated with Laurel ceramics
Associated taxa
see S-680
EaJf-1, Wabinosh River: A deposit on the upper terrace contains a pure Laurel component, while the lower terrace yielded a mixture of Laurel and Blackduck materials. In view of new AMS dates, Brandzin-Low (1997: 197) states that Laurel groups first occupied the lower terrace and then expanded on both the lower and upper terraces.
