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Lab number
Material dated
mastodon bone collagen; collagène osseux de mastodonte
Taxa dated
Mammut americanum
gravel pit 2.4 km northeast of Thamesville, 189 m asl, Camden Township, Kent County, Thames drainage, Ontario
Map sheet
40 I/12
A. Dreimanis
Date submitted
April 9, 0098
Measured Age
11380 ± 170
Normalized Age
11460 ± 170
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
gravel pit, excavated by drag line, near base of 3' section of gravel overlain by alluvium with shells and wood, 6' depth
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Mammut americanum
AdHl-VP, Thamesville: Dreimanis states that the gravel is probably an alluvial deposit of the early Thames River rather than a deltaic deposit of the river entering Lake Lundy or Lake Grassmere, as the date appears too young for these lakes.
