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Lab number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux
Crowsnest valley just south of the town of Burmis, Alberta
Map sheet
82 G/09
J.M. Quigg
Date submitted
March 6, 0097
Measured Age
320 ± 110
Normalized Age
400 ± 110
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Old Women's; Sylvicole
Stratigraphic component
Component 3
winter camp, component 3, Crowsnest Lake and Frank subphases
Associated taxa
see RL-435
Additional information
It is assumed that this date was not corrected previously for isotopic fractionation.
DjPn-62, S.S. Burmis: The site is situated in a terrace with alluvium overlying basal gravel. A gravel lens separates component 1 (unidentified) from the others over part of the excavated area. Component 2 (Pelican Lake) and component 3 (Old Women's) are 20 cm apart in undifferentiated alluvium in the thickest section, 290 cm thick, but elsewhere the whole sequence thins to only 70 cm. Component 2 may contain Besant points in addition to a larger number of Pelican Lake points. Most of the points from component 3 are Late side-notched varieties, but two Hanna points and an Oxbow point, believed to be intrusive, are also present.
