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Lab number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
on the northeast side of Komaktorvik Fiord, about 3 km southwest of Peabody Point, in the Seven Islands Bay area, Labrador
Map sheet
14 M/05
W.W. Fitzhugh
Date submitted
September 10, 0097
Normalized Age
420 ± 80
Neoeskimo, Thule; Néoesquimau, Thuléen
Stratigraphic component
House 7
House 7
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Phoca hispida, Phoca groenlandica, Phoca vitulina, Erignathus barbatus, Odobenus rosmarus, Canis sp, Rangifer tarandus, Cetacea (small and large whales)
Additional information
Fitzhugh (1994) lists this date as SI-3898.
IhCw-1, Komaktorvik 1: Sod houses built by Dorset, Thule and historic Neoeskimo groups are clustered along the front and back of a spit about 2 m asl. Extensive re-building renders it difficult to date the houses or determine their sequences of occupation. Nagle (1984: 213-214) summarizes the problem: "When it was first located ... we believed the site contained two components, composed primarily of nine historic period Neo-Eskimo and seven Middle Dorset semi-subterranean houses with their associated middens. Further work during the 1978 season demonstrated that the houses thought to be Middle Dorset were, in fact, prehistoric Thule constructions employing sods from earlier Middle and Late Dorset middens and/or houses. 1978 surveys also disclosed a previously undiscovered suite of three, shallow Early Dorset sod house depressions isolated along the northern margin of the peninsula." SI-3896 and SI-3897 date one of these Early Dorset houses and its associated midden. Kaplan attributes SI-3898 to Dorset, because House 7 was constructed with Dorset tool-laden sod.
