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Lab number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
at the top of a broad beach pass in the center of Iluvektalik Island, 6.7 m asl, Okak area, Labrador
Map sheet
14 F/05
S.L. Cox
Date submitted
June 29, 0097
Normalized Age
2845 ± 60
Palaeoeskimo, early Dorset; Paléoesquimau, Dorsétien ancien
same midden area as bone dated by S-2509
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Phoca hispida, Erignathus barbatus, Odobenus rosmarus
HhCk-1, Iluvektalik Island 1: This is an Early Dorset semi-subterranean sod house, partly destroyed by wind erosion but with a portion of the deposit intact. It is the only Dorset house in the area with a significant number of identifiable animal bones. Of two radiocarbon samples, SI-2510 is "almost certainly too early for a Dorset collection of this type," while SI-2509 is "clearly incorrect" (Cox, 1977: 162-163). Cox quotes a report from Robert Stuckenrath concerning S-2509: "...bones were very wet and sodden, powdery dark brown when dried, with many roots. While remaining collagen was extracted in cold 1N HCl under vacuum, laboratory experience suggests that bones subjected to heavy water percolation by ground water and/or water table variations have lost most if not all of the original organic fraction and are completely unreliable."
