Lowdon and Blake, 1980

Samples that cite this reference

Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
GSC-3076 EkBc-? (Red Bay) NL 270 ± 40 -23.7
GSC-3086 EkBc-? (Red Bay) NL 1490 ± 140 -21.0
GSC-3283 EkBc-? (Red Bay) NL 700 ± 50 -21.3
GSC-3285 EkBc-? (Red Bay) NL 0 -22.4
GSC-980 -2 RcHw-VP-3 (Cape Storm) NU 940 ± 70 -23.7
GSC-980 RcHw-?-3 (Cape Storm) NU 980 ± 60 -15.8
GSC-1227 RcHw-?-4 (Cape Storm) NU 1610 ± 50 -13.8
GSC-1227 -2 RcHw-VP-4 (Cape Storm) NU 1870 ± 90 -13.8
GSC-1021 -3 RcHw-VP-5 (Cape Storm) NU 4450 ± 70 -11.9
GSC-1021 RcHw-?-5 (Cape Storm) NU 4490 ± 60 -16.3
GSC-1021 -2 RcHw-VP-5 (Cape Storm) NU 4580 ± 60 -15.9
GSC-979 -3 RcHw-VP-5 (Cape Storm) NU 5050 ± 180 -11.3
GSC-979 -2 RcHw-VP-5 (Cape Storm) NU 5420 ± 70 -16.0
GSC-979 RcHw-?-5 (Cape Storm) NU 5600 ± 60 -16.1
GSC-1498 -2 RcHw-VP-5 (Cape Storm) NU 6560 ± 170 -11.9
GSC-1498 -3 RcHw-VP-5 (Cape Storm) NU 7240 ± 80 -16.4
GSC-1498 RcHw-?-5 (Cape Storm) NU 7260 ± 80 -15.2
GSC-2663 BcGw-__10 (Dunsmore) ON 620 ± 60 -25.0
GSC-980-2 RcHw-?-3 (Cape Storm) NU 940 ± 70 -23.7
GSC-1227-2 RcHw-?-4 (Cape Storm) NU 1870 ± 90 -13.8
GSC-1021-3 RcHw-?-5 (Cape Storm) NU 4450 ± 70 -11.9
GSC-1021-2 RcHw-?-5 (Cape Storm) NU 4580 ± 60 -15.9
GSC-979-3 RcHw-?-5 (Cape Storm) NU 5050 ± 180 -11.3
GSC-979-2 RcHw-?-5 (Cape Storm) NU 5420 ± 70 -16.0
GSC-1498-2 RcHw-?-5 (Cape Storm) NU 6560 ± 170 -11.9